Monday, March 12, 2012

Michael Clawson on Between Two Arms!

Hey, guys! Here's the episode of Between Two Arms that I was talking to you about last post! It was awesome! It's a little long, but if you have the time, check it out!

Keep it classy and take it easy.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Show Choir.

Hey, ladies and gentlemen! How is everyone today?

That's fantastic! You know those shows for small children where they ask a question and then pause for an awkwardly long amount of time so even the slowest of children can answer?

Yeah, that's who you thought of. I know. Well, I guess if you don't have small siblings, it wouldn't make nearly as much sense. Oh well.

So I haven't updated recently. It's not that I've been super busy, but I've been doing things. You ever have things like that, where you really don't do anything, but you're still for some reason doing something? That happens to me all the time! And then the day is somehow over. What? What the, what? You win this time, world. And then you do it over again the next day.

So, I have a few things of a legitimate nature to talk about: random questions, my birthday, and then show choir.

Random questions.

Do you feel lucky? Well do ya, punk?
The answer is yes I do. I feel so lucky.

What is my favorite sport?
I don't know. The activity that I enjoy taking part in is unofficiated, and therefore not classified as a sport. I love  playing ultimate frisbee. It's the best! But for an actual sport, probably football. It's just fun.

When was the loudest that I laughed?
That's tough. I laugh pretty loud at a lot of things, as pretty much all people I know can attest to. However, it  probably has to be when the doorbell rang at my house and my dog Rusty started barking and running towards the front door. For some reason he slipped and ran face-first into the door. It was extremely funny. I laughed a bunch.

Anyway, the next thing I had to talk about was my birthday. It's today! On Sunday. I am now nineteen years of age. I can do so many things now! Just kidding. Mainly just be older. And go on a mission. Also, I'm finally old enough to be on my favorite show of all time, Between Two Arms! I'm super excited, my boys Bryant and Tyler are going to do a birthday special with me. It's the best. And the way I get to celebrate my birthday is by only having to go to church for three hours instead of my usual six! Nice! With that and Between Two Arms, what could be better? Happy birthday to me! And it's the second day of my birthday! Or at least it feels like it. My family sent me a package on Thursday, and I kind of opened it. Extra days of birthday for the win!

Now for the last item of business.

Show choir. Just so everyone knows, I will be posting a lot of videos. All are worthwhile to watch.

In Ankeny, Iowa, there is a show choir called Visual Adrenaline. It's one of the best show choir programs in the country. And I was lucky enough to be a part of it for three whole years. But first off, what is show choir? Let me tell you what it's not: It's NOT GLEE. Oh my gosh, I hate that show. It portrays show choir and all people who are into the arts as some kind of weird people, and it's not full of drama and problems all the time. If there was an actual show about show choir, it probably wouldn't sell very well.

But i digress.

Show choir is where a choir sings and dances in sync onstage. It's really fun, and very demanding. If you want a good example, let me show you.

If that is all you see of show choir, that is okay. That is what show choir is. However, there are other styles that are more showy, and use props and backdrops. Some of those choirs are good, such as John Burroughs Powerhouse from California.

They're good, but a lot of their show is in the production, and not in the vocals and choreography, which is what I personally prefer. They do a lot of relatively easy singing and dancing, and never do them together. Also, they're mainly backing up a soloist instead of singing. But they do it very, very well, and the differences are not bad. It just plays their strengths, and it can be chalked up to a difference of opinion.

Then, there are the groups that I hate. A lot. This is Happiness, Inc. from Davenport, Iowa.
They are overly showy. This is a choir that decided that they had to put more "show" into show choir. They also use props for no reason. Props should never be used unless they enhance the show. And I've only ever seen one instance of it.
This is Clinton Attache, and notice how together the props are. That is some nice umbrella work. Also, only watch until the girls come on. Because then it's not as important.
But pretty much other than that, I've never seen good props. Not that people haven't tried.
As I see more show choirs, I see more and more props. Unfortunately.
This is Center Grove Sound System, I think from Indiana. I'll show two things.
You just go WTF? Why would anyone do that. I don't know. But now let's get into what wins.

There are best vocals,  best choreography, and best show (a.k.a. best props). Vocals are more important than choreography, and choreography is more important than show. But our group, since we didn't have props, would get docked. For no reason, even though our shows would be more exciting and had both more difficult choreography and vocals, which we would pull off. Visual Adrenaline won twice in the three-year period, even though we went to nationals twice and got a third and second place, both times with best choreography. And we lost to choirs like Center Grove, or Happiness, Inc. And when I would look at their shows, I wouldn't know what to say. But for some reason, that kind of stuff is winning now.

If you care about show choir, you might be saying to yourself, "Is there a way to make this better? And there is. People/judges really like very full sound and clean(together) choreography. The best way to do this is to simplify vocal parts and make choreography less involved. That will encourage a supported, full sound and clean choreography, without having to resort to props. Yay!

And that's what people are doing. That's what's winning right now. And that's all that I have to say about show choir. Except that it's super fun and awesome. It made my high school experience fantastic. Lots of my friends were in show choir, and I don't know where I would be without it.

Well, here I am at the end of another post. Thanks for reading. Also, if you enjoyed watching some of this, I would recommend checking out Ankeny Visual Adrenaline, Clinton Attache, and John Burroughs Powerhouse on Youtube. They're all fantastic choirs. I'll be back sometime in the near future. And I'll post a link to Between Two Arms on here when it comes up. Keep it classy and take it easy.

Monday, March 5, 2012


Hey, I'm just trying to get my picture when I link my blog from facebook to be me and not my dog. So this might work, but it might now.

Stay Classy, San Diego.

Hi, friends! I have like 50-some profile views (Including some person from Germany! If you read this one as well, danke.). That probably makes me the most popular guy in the world. On the internet. With this domain name. Man, I had to put a bunch of provisos on to that statement. It's like those commercials that promise a great thing and then put a lot of asterisks at the bottom:


*Puppies may or may not actually be imaginary.
**Some assembly required.

See how disappointing that is? That's just the worst.

Anyways, I wanted to take some time to let you guys get to know me a little bit better, and then talk about a few things going on in my life.

There are just some important things that people should know about other people. First off. Favorite animal? The panda. It's just the best. I had a little stuffed panda when I was younger, and it was my friend through many dangers. Kind of like Shadowfax from Lord of the Rings, but I didn't ride the panda, and my skills in magic were severely lacking (For those of you who haven't seen the Lord of the Rings movies, that's unfortunate. Watch them sometime, they're amazing. Then you can come back and read what I just said and understand it.). But for reals, look at this picture and tell me you don't want to hug and squeeze pandas.

How freaking adorable can you get? That's right, the answer is a bunch if you're a small panda.

Another essential bit of trivia one should know about all they meet is their zombie apocalypse plan. So here's mine.

Just kidding. Mine includes building a large tree-house and a network of treetop highways to get around and gather food. Because who's ever heard of a zombie that's talented at climbing? Now don't be alarmed, if you want to come with me on my genius plan, go for it. The more the merrier, right? Just bring some type of gun and also something that doesn't need to be reloaded. Like an ax. Speaking of which, I saw some new movie coming out that depicts the Great Emancipator Abraham Lincoln as a vampire hunter. He had an ax, too. See how effective those are? Abe Lincoln used one! That's got to be a great marketing plug for people who sell axes. The next time you're shopping for crosses and garlic, you'll be more inclined to pick up an ax. Hooray consumerism!

But one more thing about me. If I had to live in one country for the rest of my life, where would I go? That's easy! I've been to so many places....Oh wait, just America. That's part of the reason I'm really stoked to go to France on my mission, because I don't get out much in that sense. So this is just a shot in the dark, as I've never gone anywhere before...but I would like to live in Ireland. It's very pretty there, and I like rain a lot. It would be great. And maybe my kids would pick up the accent...not. Have you ever met a person who wants to move to a different country so their kids will speak with an accent? Sure, you say, "That'd be cool!" But on the inside, you're going, "That's stupid. That would only work if the individuals raising the child had the accent." Because where are kids primarily when they learn to talk? Their house. Not outside, picking up words on the street. But still the myth persists. Oh well.

But on to my life! It's been going pretty well as of late, I get to start a new week of classes tomorrow, which I'm not very thrilled about, but hey, that's what happens at college. I can't believe how this semester is flying by. Soon I'll be saying good-bye to people who I've spent like seven months with. That's pretty crazy to think about. More and more guys are getting their mission calls, and our ward is going all over the world! We're still pending missionaries to Antarctica and Asia, but our ward has all other continents covered. Equally crazy to think about. But today, before I leave the realm of conscious people, I would like to say a bit concerning something I know little about: style and fashion.

I like to dress up. It's really fun for me. I enjoy a good suit as much as the next guy, and a little bit more. See, in high school I was a part of this thing called Suit Coat Thursdays, where one would wear a suit coat over what they were wearing. It was fun, and so I could spice up my life a bit, I would purchase lots of suit coats and such at our local Goodwill and Salvation Army. That's where all of my formal wear save my tux and a navy pinstriped suit I own came from. If I found a cool-looking suit coat, I would try to match it with a shirt, pants, and tie. If I couldn't think of anything that would work with what I owned, then I tried to find other things to go with it. It was like a game of chess, but the feeling of triumph at winning was also accompanied by the confidence that comes from looking awesome. Those were good days.

There were also bad days. One day I walked into the Salvation Army, and I beheld the most beautiful solid white three-piece suit that there ever was. It was priced at ten dollars, and I kinda freaked out on the inside. I tried on the suit coat, and looked in the mirror. I felt like Wally from A Christmas Story: "I can't put my arms down!" It was too small. Men, if you were wondering, yes, that would definitely be a good time to cry. I put the suit back on the rack and left empty-handed.

But pretty much what I'm trying to say here is that our society should learn to look a little better. We've put so much stock into looking street and grungy and a little on the wild side that we've kinda dismissed formal wear. And personally, I don't know why. Some people say that suits are uncomfortable, they feel strangled in a tie. Then unbutton the top button of your shirt, silly! And even better, you get the ladies! Well, that's not the only deciding factor in getting ladies. You should also consider learning social skills and how to be an engaging conversationalist. But a good suit never hurt anyone's chances with the female gender. In my own experiences and with girls I've talked to, "Every girl's crazy 'bout a sharp-dressed man."

Check that out. It's a sweet song by ZZ Top, saying the exact same thing. And you should believe them. Because if you can't believe classic rockers, who can you believe? That's right, nobody. Something else I've seen on this cool website called (awesome place, by the way. They have really funny and cool stuff on there pretty routinely.) is this fun picture:

I apologize if that comes off as vulgar or crude, and maybe it went a little too far, I don't know. But really, guys. Put on a nice suit once in a while. Get a tie and a vest ensemble going. And not just on Sunday, either. Chicks dig it.

But there it is. I'm finally off my soapbox. I apologize for this being a little long, and again, congratulations if you had the wherewithal to read all of this. I just have a bunch of stuff to write about, and rambling is just fun.

So until next time, keep it cool and take it easy.

Friday, March 2, 2012

First Blog: Look at me, I can Internet!

Hello, friends. Well, I hope there's friends out there. I kind of just made this at about 3 in the morning, and I don't exactly know how to be friends with people on here or anything. So who knows. I could be writing this for nobody to see but myself. So for those who might not know me, my name is Rod, and I like to party. Actually, my name's Michael Jay Clawson, I'm a student at BYU, and I like to think I'm an interesting person. I don't know how cool this blog is going to be, but I've heard fun things about doing them. I have a few friends who do them, and what they do seems intimidating. Well here goes!

I'm not really sure if I need to do a small expository on my life before I actually begin talking about myself, but I'll do it anyways. I am currently eighteen, I go to Brigham Young University, and am trying to get into the Vocal Performance program there. It's hard. They take ten people each year, and for some reason, Mormons like their kids to do artsy things, like singing. So there are a lot of good people here. Last year, I was fourteenth overall, which was nice. But not nice enough to get in the program. My audition this year yielded me relatively similar results, I got a bit higher up, I'm actually currently on a sort of waiting list for the program, which means if anyone drops, I'm in. The reasons for why I'm on the waiting list and not in the program are related to my voice giving out on the day of my audition, which I will not be getting into. It's a bunch of rage and unhappiness that don't belong on the Internet. Look at me, being a responsible individual with a connection to the world wide web! My parents would be so proud.

 But anyway, I digest. No, seriously, I just ate some cereal. You wouldn't believe how long night is until you don't sleep during it. Makes a man hungry.

The main point of what I was trying to say is that I want to do music. I hope I have the voice for it, because I like it a lot. It's my release for a lot of things. If you want inspiration to do music sometime in your life, in whatever circumstance you may be in, check this out:

It's pretty much the best piece of music of all time. In my book, currently, anyways. If that carries any weight with anyone here (And by here, I mean reading this. If you're in my computer, kindly get out. I'm low on disc space as it is.). If you don't have a huge attention span, you can skip to about 4:30 in the video and still get large amounts of enjoyment out of it. It's the best. True story.

ANYWAYS. I eventually want to perform opera somewhere for a few years, and then when I feel I possess the skills to know how to do well in that field, I want to teach. It just seems like a more stable option. That's kind of my life goal in a work sort of sense. In case anyone wanted to know.

I was born in Fredrick, Maryland to my parents, Rob and Janet. Side note: They are literally the best people I've ever had the privilege of meeting. My dad is the wisest and most capable individual I know, and my mother has to be the kindest and happiest. They're great. I have four siblings. Melanie is older than me, and is married to a guy who is from Utah. He has a pretty hardcore Utah accent, which I make fun of him for. Good thing he's a good guy, or else he would be totally sunk. Just kidding, Eric (If you happen to read this.). My brother David is seventeen, and is autistic. He is one of my favorite people in the world (if not my favorite.). He is always so nice, and it's great to talk to him on the phone. My smaller sister Sarah is twelve, and is enjoying the great wonders of being in middle school. Heh heh heh. She's pretty cool. Daniel is the youngest, being nine. He likes video games, which is a lot of what he talks to me about when I call. He's pretty hyperactive and adorable. And that's my family, minus my dog, Rusty. He's the same age as Daniel, and he's a Sheltie. Consequently, he is also hyperactive and adorable. Something about 2003, huh?
That's him. Rusty, not Daniel. Look at him. Don't you just want to pet him and hold him and keep him forever? Too bad. He's mine.

So that's my family, if I ever reference any of them.

What else about me...hmmm....

My church calling is the ward choir director. It's incredibly rewarding, and I love picking and directing the music. It's great.

My friends include a large amount of individuals, considering there are a lot of people whose company I enjoy. I spend a lot of time hanging with them. Homework is something that I do, but should do more of. Hm, maybe later.

Oh! I'm going on a mission! Kind of something big to overlook. But I'm reporting to the France Paris mission on the 30th of May. For two years. That will be a while. But it'll be good. I'll be in areas that my dad went to, since he was in the Brussels Belgium mission. I'm excited about it.

Also, I have a....something. It was a girlfriend. Her name is Brooksany, and she's amazing. She lives at home in Iowa, and goes to school there. We were together for nine months until we decided to hold off for a while, since we've both been extremely busy and don't really have the time to put into a good relationship right now. So we're just friends for now. But she is beautiful, kind, hardworking, hilarious, pretty, caring,  and the best. Did I mention beautiful? If I haven't made it clear, I like her a lot. The only difficulty is that we're not exactly dating, but we're not exactly just friends, either. Look at me, I'm back in high school.

But this is me. All of this stuff I've talked about is me. I probably missed stuff about me that I just forgot to say, and it'll occur to me when I wake up in four hours for class. Such is life, I suppose. I don't really know how all this works, but I think I'm supposed to put some sort of plug in here for the people who actually read the whole post here. Congratulations, you guys are pretty talented at reading junk that's semi-entertaining. I promise that I'm not nearly as boring normally. I have the backstory out of the way now, so it can only go up from here. When I have something cool/important/poignant/interesting to tell about my life, I'll be back here, I suppose. See you till then! Keep it cool and take it easy.